L'oréal Supports The United Nations Global Compact

L’Oréal is a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact since 2003. We are signatory of the Women’s Empowerment Principles since 2014, and publicly support the UN Global LGBTI Standards of Conduct for Business. L’Oréal is a patron of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals Action Platform “Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions”. 

In the framework of the United Nations Global Compact, L’Oréal's is committed to supporting and implementing, within its sphere of influence, the ten fundamental principles relating to human rights, labor standards, the environment and the fight against corruption.

Download L’Oréal’s Communication on Progress (COP) Report to the United Nations Global Compact (PDF - 2.7MB)

Human rights

Our Human Rights Policy is based on our 4 Ethical Principles – Integrity, Respect, Courage and Transparency.
We believe that as a business we have a responsibility to respect internationally recognized human rights and that we must take steps to identify and address any actual or potential adverse impacts in which we may be involved through our own operations or our business relationships. We also believe that we can contribute to positive human rights impacts by playing our role as a responsible corporate citizen.


L’Oréal ensures that workers' rights are respected and it contributes to the abolition of all forms of discrimination.

Fight against corruption

L’Oréal supports the fight against corruption and publicly states a zero-tolerance policy on corruption. The anti-corruption policy set out in L’Oréal’s Code of Business Ethics applies to all employees, officers and directors and members of the Group Executive Committee and its subsidiaries worldwide.


L’Oréal has long been involved in promoting the preservation of the environment and protection of biodiversity. It is committed to significantly reducing its environmental footprint.

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