Bloomberg Gender - Equality Index
Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index
For the sixth consecutive year, L’Oréal Group was recognized by Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index (GEI) 2023 for having successfully created an inclusive and equal work environment. This reference index measures gender equality across five pillars: leadership & talent pipeline, equal pay and gender pay parity, inclusive culture, anti-sexual harassment policies, and external brand.
L’Oréal is one of the 484 companies across 45 countries and regions to be part of the 2023 Gender-Equality Index. The Index is a modified market capitalization- weighted index that aims to track the performance of public companies committed to transparency in gender data reporting.

2021 |
2022 |
Bloomberg Gender-Equality IndexL’Oréal was again recognised by the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index, acknowledging the most advanced companies in the area of gender parity among 380 companies evaluated in 44 countries. |
Bloomberg Gender-Equality IndexL’Oréal was recognized for the fifth consecutive time by the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index, which acknowledges the most advanced companies in the area of gender equality among 418 companies evaluated in 45 countries. |