Fighting Climate Change
Achievements 2022For more than 20 years, we have worked to reduce the CO2 emissions linked to our industrial activity. To achieve this, we improved energy efficiency across all our facilities (buildings, equipment, etc.), increased the use of local renewable energy wherever possible and achieved the targets defined for the sites without carbon offsetting projects. We elaborated our renewable energy strategy according to the local possibilities offered by the industrial sites in the various countries where we operate: for most of our carbon reduction projects, we used locally produced renewable energy, or directly produced our own renewable energy (biomass, biomethanisation, solar panels, etc.).
In 2017, we were among the first hundred companies to set Science-Based Targets (SBT) approved objectives on. Our overarching climate change objective for 2030 is to align our greenhouse gas emissions to the +1.5°C scenario, meaning we will reduce by 50% per finished product all our greenhouse gas emissions over our entire value chain (scopes* 1, 2 and 3), compared to 2016. To achieve this, we have set numerical targets for every aspect of our activities to include not only our production and distribution facilities but also the raw material supply chain and the indirect impacts associated with the use of our products by their final consumers.
Our targets
By 2025, L’Oréal will reach 100% renewable energy for its sites
By 2030, we will innovate to enable our consumers to reduce the CO2 emissions resulting from the use of our products by 25% compared to 2016, on average and per finished product.
By 2030, we will reduce by 50% on average and per finished product, the greenhouse gas emissions linked to the transport of our products, compared to 2016.
By 2030, our strategic suppliers will reduce their direct emissions (scopes* 1 and 2), by 50% in absolute terms, compared to 2016.

What we’ve achieved so far
we have reduced the CO2 emissions of our operated sites by 74% in compared to 2019, whilst production volume increased by 12% over the same period.
In 2023, 131 sites of the Group have reached 100% renewable energies.
of all our sites worldwide have reached 100% renewable energies.
Low Carbon Growth: Our Strategy

In 2023, CO2 emissions on operated sites has been reduced by 74% versus the 2019 baseline. In the same period, its production volume increased by 12% compared with 2019, which confirms L’Oréal’s ability to combine commercial success with its commitment to ambitious climate action
*What do Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions mean?
Scope 1Direct emissions, from owned or controlled sources.
Scope 2
Indirect emissions linked to the consumption of electricity, heat or steam required to manufacture products or run the company.
Scope 3
Other indirect emissions, linked to the supply chain (upstream) and to the use of products and services during their life cycle (downstream).