Download The Group Speak Up Policy

Being able to quickly identify ethical misconduct is key to ensuring we live up to our Code of Ethics and our Ethical Principles throughout all our activities and geographies. Our Speak Up program enables L’Oréal internal and external stakeholders to raise any serious ethical concerns they may have so that the Group can address them. Speaking up gives us the chance to make things right where needed and ensures that we uphold our responsibilities.

You can raise your ethical concern through the usual management channels or directly to the Global Ethic department through our secure website:


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In addition to whatever protection is afforded by national laws in the countries in which we operate, our Speak Up policy sets a global framework providing clear guidelines. Click on the list below to download the Speak Up Policy in your local language.  

There may be instances where this Group Policy is at variance with the local laws of a particular country. Where local law imposes higher standards than those set out in the present policy, local law will apply. If by contrast the present policy provides for a higher standard, it will prevail unless this results in illegal activity.

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