
L'Oréal groupe : Sustainability remains the number 1 Priority

L’Oréal Australia remains dedicated to sustainable practices, ensuring that we adapt and sustainably grow our business to safeguard the environment and create positive social impact. This Earth Day we wanted to share with you some of these local initiatives: 100% renewable energy

L'Oréal groupe : Parallel imports: #dontriskit

L’Oréal Australia’s commitment to gender equality at the workplace confirmed through the edge move certification

Fourth Australian fellowship added to L'Oréal-Unesco For Women In Science Program

International mobilisation for L'Oréal Citizen Day 2016

L’Oréal Australia announces majority female management committee

L’Oréal Australia is delighted to announce that for the first time, their Management Committee is majority female. The team which leads a workforce of 1,500 employees across the country, now comprises seven females and four males.