For me, French luxury is excellence. A FRENCH LUXURY EXPERIENCE KATIA MAISON DE BEAUTÉ CARITA DIRECTOR WHAT DISTINGUISHES FRENCH CARE? Just like in a palace, we know our clients perfectly. All the details of their experience will be thought out to make it as smooth as possible, so that they feel at home, to create a sense of belonging, as part of the Carita family. So anything they can tell us in advance is a gold mine for us, so that we can prepare for their arrival. If a client, for example, always prefers having a cushion under the knees during a massage, they won’t have to say so every time they come in. The cushion will already be ready. HOW DOES THIS FRENCH EXPERTISE COME TO LIFE? Beyond savoir-faire, care protocols and each of our colleagues’ expertise, there is also knowing how to act, which is very important for the customer experience. We have chosen to train our teams in all of these skills, in how to welcome prestigious clientele, both French and international, in order to assist them in the best way possible in adopting the appropriate codes. For example, how to open a door, how to walk up the stairs with elegance, all these things that ultimately make for a luxury experience, but also to put on a kind of ballet for the client, where everything is orchestrated and nothing is left to chance. WHY COME TO CARITA? Taking time for yourself means taking care of your skin, your well-being, your relaxation. Taking care of yourself first, is the best way to then take care of others. It has to do with a feeling of fullness, of serenity. The Maison de Beauté offers a break from the stress of life. You can forget everything. And have a moment to yourself. There is very little talk of what’s going on outside. What’s important is the moment, the present moment and experiencing a unique moment with the person, the expert, who will take care of us. WHAT IS ONE DETAIL THAT MAKES THE MAISON CARITA UNIQUE? When you enter the Maison de Beauté Carita, you will first notice the height of the building; it is fourteen meters tall, topped with a glass roof. A WORD TO DESCRIBE FRENCH LUXURY? What distinguishes French luxury care, is achieving excellence in every moment, in every detail. This doesn’t just mean following procedures and rules, it has to come from the heart. And that is what really sets the experience apart.
By Katia, Maison De Beauté Carita Director