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L'Oréal Video, see more about : Inventing the future of beauty alongside startup

L'Oréal Video, see more about : Emotion and competition at L'Oréal

L’Oréal groupe : Open Innovation Program

Lubomira Rochet, Chief Digital Officer of L’Oréal announces the group’s first Open Innovation program in partnership with Station F, Founders Factory and Partech Ventures.

L'Oréal Video, see more about : Lassigny Plant

L'Oréal Video, see more about : KARLSRUHE Plant

L'Oréal Video, see more about : The aging of an African woman's skin

L'Oréal Video, see more about : The aging of an Asian man's skin

L'Oréal Video, see more about : The aging of an Asian woman's skin

L'Oréal Video, see more about : The aging of a European man's skin

L'Oréal Video, see more about : The aging of a European woman's skin