
Commitments | L'Oréal Group

Inclusive Sourcing Q&A

L'Oréal Group, read more about : Inclusive Sourcing Q&A
Commitments | L'Oréal Group

L'Oréal Groupe: More details about the L’Oréal Inclusive Sourcing Program

L'Oréal Inclusive Sourcing Program covers all purchasing categories (Raw Materials, Packaging, Contract-Manufacturing, Promo&Retail, Marketing, Business services, Industrial & Property) and has been deployed in all geographic zones where L’Oréal operates. Find here more details about the program and its eligibility criteria.
L'Oréal Group | Commitments

Our Strategic Approach Global And Committed

To be as close as possible to our markets and suppliers, the L’Oréal teams in charge of purchasing are based all around the world. The strength of our international network of buyers lies in their ability to identify the suppliers who are best-suited to meeting the needs of the Group and all its brands.
L'Oréal Group | Commitments

A Sustainable Purchasing Policy

At L’Oréal, we attach a high importance to the social and environmental impacts of our activities. Over the years, we have formalized our commitments in a global program with our partners: L’Oréal Buy & Care.