Prioritising Learning And Development

For L’Oréal, helping every employee to develop professionally is both central to driving performance and a question of responsibility. The Group has committed to ensuring that 100% of employees will benefit from at least one training session annually by 2020. In 2018, this proportion grew to 88%.
Its online training portal, My Learning, is integral to accelerating this ambition. Available in 27 languages, it had more than 54,100 frequent users in 2018. Employees followed 750,000 modules, which represents 185,000 hours of online training. For the first time, employees were also able to follow MOOCs offered by more than 150 universities globally. Overall, there were 3,200 registrations, and 18,000 hours of training were delivered.
In 2016, L’Oréal received the Brandon Hall HCM excellence award for the Klaxoon box, a box which makes it possible to create digital interaction during classroom training sessions.